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Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Penny's hat

Penny’s hats

You will need:

3.5mm needles

4mm needles

amount of dk yarn listed on each size 


k- knit


K2tog = knit 2 stitches together

Small preemie

Cast on 41 stitches using 3.5mm needles and dk yarn

3.5 inches across and 3 inches from top to bottom, takes 7grams of dk yarn

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * until the last stitch, k1

Row 2: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last stitch, p1

Repeat these 2 rows once more.

Change to 4mm needles

Row 1: p1, k1 repeat to end of the row, p1

Row 2: knit

Row 3: k1, p1, repeat to end of the row, k1

Row 4: knit

Repeat these 4 rows until the hat measures 2inches from cast on, ending on a odd row


Starting on a knit row

Row 1: *k4, k2tog, repeat from * until last 5 stitches, k5

Row 2: k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p2, *k1, p1, k1, p2, repeat from * until last 3st, k1, p1, k1

Row 3: *k3, k2tog, repeat from * until end of row

Row 4: p2, *k1, p1 repeat from * until end of row

Row 5: *k2, k2tog repeat from * until end of row

Row 6: k1, p1, *k1, p2, repeat from * until last 4st, k1, p3

Row 7: *k1, k2tog repeat from * until end of row

Row 8: p2, *k1, p1 repeat from * until last 2st, k2

Row 9: *k2tog repeat from * until end of row

Cut length of yarn leaving a tail of yarn for sewing 

Using a tapestry needle thread through the remaining stitches, draw them together and sew up seam, using the tails of yarn into the work.


Med preemie

Cast on 51 stitches using 3.5mm needles and dk yarn

4.5inches across and 4 inches from top to bottom, takes 10grams of dk yarn

Rows 1, 3 & 5: *k1, p1 repeat from * until the last stitch, k1

Row 2 & 4: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last stitch, p1

Change to 4mm needles

Row 1: *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last st, k1

Row 2: knit

Row 3: *p1, k1 repeat from * to the last st, p1

Row 4: knit

Repeat these 4 rows until the hat measures 3inches from the beginning, ending on an odd row.


Starting on a knit row

Row 1: *k4, k2tog repeat from * until last 3st, k3

Row 2: *p1, k1, p1, k2 repeat from * until last 3st, p1, k1, p1

Row 3: *k3, k2tog repeat from * until last 3st, k3

Row 4: *k1, p1 repeat from * until last st, k1

Row 5: *k2, k2tog repeat from *until last 3st, k3

Row 6: p1, k1, p1, *k2, p1 repeat from * until end of row

Row 7: *k1, k2tog repeat from * until end of row

Row 8: k2, *p1, k1 repeat from * until end of row

Row 9: k2tog, repeat until end of row

Cut length of yarn leaving a tail of yarn for sewing 

Using a tapestry needle thread through the remaining stitches, draw them together and sew up seam, using the tails of yarn into the work.


Large preemie

Cast on 61 stitches using 3.5mm needles and dk yarn

Measures 5.5inches wide and 5inches from top to bottom. Takes 16grams of dk yarn

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * until the last stitch, k1

Row 2: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last stitch, p1

Repeat these 2 rows twice more.

Change to 4mm needles

Row 1: p1, k1 repeat to end of the row, p1

Row 2: knit

Row 3: k1, p1, repeat to end of the row, k1

Row 4: knit

Repeat these 4 rows until the hat measures 4inches from the beginning, Ending on an odd row.


Starting on a knit row

Row 1: *k5, k2tog repeat until from * until last 5st, k5

Row 2: k1, *p1, k1, p1, k1, p2, k1, p1, k1, p1, k2 repeat from * until last 4st, p1, k1, p1, k1

Row 3: *k4, k2tog repeat from * until last 5st, k5

Row 4: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last st, p1

Row 5: *k3, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 6: p1, k1, *p1, k1, p2, k1, p1, k2 repeat from * until last 2 st, p1, k1

Row 7: *k2, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 8: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last st, p1

Row 9: *k1, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 10: *k2, p2 repeat from * until last 2st, k2

Row 11: *k2tog repeat from * until end of the row.

Cut length of yarn leaving a tail of yarn for sewing 

Using a tapestry needle thread through the remaining stitches, draw them together and sew up seam, using the tails of yarn into the work.



Cast on 71 stitches using 3.5 mm needles and dk yarn

Measures 6inches across and 6inches from top to bottom, takes 23grams of dk yarn

Rows 1, 3, 5 & 7: *k1, p1 repeat from * until the last stitch, k1

Rows 2, 4 & 6: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last stitch, p1

Change to 4mm needles

Row 1: k1, p1, repeat to end of the row, k1

Row 2: knit

Row 3: p1, k1 repeat to end of the row, p1

Row 4: knit

Repeat these 4 rows until the hat measures 5inches from the beginning, ending on an odd row.


Starting on a knit row

Row 1: *k6, k2tog repeat from * until last 7st, k7

Row 2: k1, p1, *k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p2 repeat from * until last 5st, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1

Row 3: *k5, k2tog, repeat from * until end of the row

Row 4: p2, *k1, p1 repeat from * until end of the row

Row 5: *k4, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 6: k1, p1, *k1, p1, k1, p2 repeat from * until last 3st, k1, p1, k1

Row 7: *k3, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 8: p2, *k1, p1 repeat from * until end of row

Row 9: *k2, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 10: *p2, k1 repeat from * until end of the row

Row 11: *k1, k2tog repeat from *until end of the row

Row 12: p2, *k1, p1 repeat from * until end of the row

Row 13: k2tog repeat until end of the row

Cut length of yarn leaving a tail of yarn for sewing 

Using a tapestry needle thread through the remaining stitches, draw them together and sew up seam, using the tails of yarn into the work.

0-6 months

Cast on 81 stitches using 3.5 mm needles and dk yarn

Measures 7inches wide and 7.5inches from top to bottom, takes 35grams of dk yarn

Row 1: *k1, p1 repeat from * until the last stitch, k1

Row 2: *p1, k1 repeat from * until last stitch, p1

Repeat these 2 rows 3 more times.

Change to 4mm needles

Row 1: *p1, k1 repeat to end of the row, p1

Row 2: knit

Row 3: *k1, p1 repeat to end of the row, k1
Row 4: knit

Repeat these 4 rows until the hat measures 6inches from the beginning.


Row 1: *k7, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 2: *p2, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1 repeat from * until last 8st, p2, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1

Row 3: *k6, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 4: *k1, p1 repeat from * until last st, k1

Row 5: *k5, k2tog, repeat from * until end of the row

Row 6: *p2, k1, p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1, k1 repeat from * until last 6st, p2, k1, p1, k1, p1

Row 7: *k4, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 8: k1, *p1, k1 repeat from * until end of the row

Row 9: *k3, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 10: *p2, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1 repeat from * until last 4st, p2, k1, p1

Row 11: *k2, k2tog repeat from * until end of the row

Row 12: k1, *p1, k1 repeat from * until end of the row

Row 13: *k1, k2tog repeat from *until end of the row

Row 14: p2, *k2, p2 repeat from * until end of the row

Row 15: k2tog repeat until end of the row

Cut length of yarn leaving a tail of yarn for sewing 

Using a tapestry needle thread through the remaining stitches, draw them together and sew up seam, using the tails of yarn into the work

Designed by Sammy Bristow

Copyrighted 2020 © ‘made by Sammy Bristow’

Revised September 2023 

Handmade with love for preemies uk

Please do not copy my patterns

Finished item can be donated to any charity Or used for own use

We share because we care



matching blanket pattern 


  1. Lovely little hat, really enjoyed knitting this. Thank you Sammy

  2. Estou fazendo a touca de recém nascido do seu blogger Chapéus da Penny, e estou com dú sua receita depois da parte onde começa a diminuir na Carr.6 : 1k, 1l, 1m, 1m,1m, 2 repetir de* até o último..... não consigo entender esta parte o que significa 1l e o 2 na sua receita. Você pode me ajudar a compreender ? Obrigada
